Mahi Mind Center

Corporate Patient

We provide these facilities.

  • (1) 125 Beds

  • (2) Tertiary ICU Care

  • (3) Neurosciences

  • (4) Neuropsychiatric

  • (5) De-addiction Clinic

  • (6) Spine & Trauma Centre

  • (7) Critical Care Medicine
Rehabilitation Center

The Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation at Mahi Mind Center Hospital is furnished with specialists and types of gear to deal with every weakening condition like Joint and Body Pain, Sports and Gym Injuries, Stroke, Parkinson, Alzheimers, Post Surgery Rehab, Pre and Post Delivery, Weight Reduction, Muscle Strengthening, Body Contouring.

Emergency Services

We have a prepared and qualified group of crisis specialists or crisis doctors to give clinical help and care to patients requiring prompt consideration. These doctors are knowledgeable in each part of crisis care to do equity to their job and give the best of care on a prompt premise to patients.

Make an Appointment

If you need a doctor for consulting please book an appointment we connect to you as soon as possible.